Our Regular Sunday Services:
All services start at 11.00am
Holy Communion
1st & 3rd Sunday of the month
Service of the Word
2nd Sunday of the month
All Age Worship
4th Sunday of the month
During the service there are groups for
children and youth. A creche area is available.
Feel free to stay for tea/coffee after the service

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14
Rockets: (Age 8-11)
Interactive and fun sessions, which currently run twice a month.This group enables children aged 8-11 to understand the bible through exciting activities including: bible stories, arts and crafts, quizzes and more. A great place to make friends and to explore the bible in an interactive way.
Meets in SJSP Church Hall
Diddy Disciples:(Age 5-7)
Fun and exciting sessions, which currently run twice a month, which aim to help children aged 5-7 years old unpack the bible through songs, prayers and bible stories. A great place to make friends and learn about the bible in an age relevant way.
Meets in SJSP Church Tower Room.

1 Timothy 4:12
Youth Discipleship Group (Age 12-18)
YDG is about a community of young people growing together. The group is a safe space for honest discussion and digging deeper into how the bible is relevant for us today.