Prayer and Worship Resources
Loving Father God,
In these times of isolation, we long to connect with you. In these times of uncertainty, we long to trust you. In these time of loss, we mourn with you. In these times of hoarding, we long to live generously. In these times of boredom, we long for a deeper center. In these times of great trouble, we see the helpers all around who are doing your work. And we thank you, Lord
We thank you that you are in all this with us, and we pray that what you most desire – that we do justice, love kindness and walk humbly will be at the heart of all your people as we come through this pandemic.
Give us the grace of your forgiveness, the hope of your kingdom, and the joy of your presence. In the most wonderful Name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
For further prayer and bible reading resources you might like to check out:
For local pastoral matters including prayer requests please contact the Parish Office:
Phone: 0121 454 0973